"Stromern" through the Vogtland - with the Meinhold dealership and Si.o. brand e-scooters. Experience individual mobility with zero emissions.

The Si.o brand was created from the combination of mobility with innovation, forward thinking and the vision of an urban traffic turnaround. The Si.o e-crusiers and e-scooters offer a contemporary and individual solution for the changing structure of traffic, transportation and individual mobility.

Our models Si.o accessories for hire

Uebler GmbH has been developing and producing high-quality car accessories for specialist dealers and the vehicle industry for over 50 years. Uebler is one of the most innovative suppliers of modern bicycle hitch carriers with the highest standards of function and manufacturing quality. With this background, Uebler has its finger on the pulse when it comes to transportation, mobility and flexible solutions. At Si.o and Uebler, innovation, quality and service are among the core competencies that are combined with lifestyle, sustainable thinking and a fun factor in the electric cruisers and electric scooters. This is how Si.o becomes your electric mobility revolution!

Would you like to test ride our scooters? No problem.
Come by and be inspired by our e-scooters.
We look forward to your visit to our Si. o base.

better electric - better Si.o